Oliver explores outside

Two year old Oliver explores the nursery garden, sometimes alone and sometimes with the practitioners. He shuffles about on his bottom with an all in one suit to keep him warm. He interacts with objects, animals and other people. Good for looking at
  • SEND
  • Learning outdoors
  • Object play
  • Physical development
  • Attention
  • Communication
  • Understanding
  • Understanding the world
  • Involvement

Two year old Oliver explores the nursery garden, sometimes alone and sometimes with the practitioners. He shuffles about on his bottom with an all in one suit to keep him warm. He interacts with objects, animals and other people.


  • How do we know what Oliver is interested in?  Be specific, look out for body language, actions, gestures.
  • How does Oliver engage with the environment?
  • What is he learning from his time in the garden?
  • Which development areas, characteristics of learning are evident?
  • In what ways do the adults support Oliver’s learning?
  • How do the environment and materials support the Oliver’s learning?