Cassie Holland’s favourite clips from the EY clip library

Cassie Holland, Nursery Manager at Archfield House Nursery, takes us through her top five favourite video clips from the Early Years Clip Library. Find out how she uses the videos in her training. Links to the videos below.

1. How does experience shape the brain

“This clip is fantastic for staff training sessions as it gives you a brief overview of experiences and the brain in only 2 minutes!”

2. The treasure map

“This clip was filmed at our setting last year when Siren Films were focusing on Men in Early Years following the Bristol Men in Early Years Conference. I love Mitch’s interactions and the ways in which he really listens to the children and their thinking.”

3. Sam does woodwork

“This video clip is a great way of observing involvement and the Characteristics of Effective Learning. We have been lucky enough for some staff to attend Pete Moorehouse’s woodwork training. We have used this clip with those that haven’t attended to share good practice with woodwork.”

4. Chatting at meal time

“We have been undertaking the Early Years Nutrition Partnership to achieve our accredited status, as part of this we have been reflecting on our meal times and found this clip really useful as good practice. We have also used this clip with staff members who have identified meal times as one of their personal develops of practice.”

5. What shall we do with the cauldron?

“We do a lot of Forest School and Beach School at our settings so I wanted to include a clip outdoors in the natural environment. We use video peer observations for reflective practice at Forest and Beach as well as the setting, this clip is useful for identifying teachable moments outdoors.”

Cassie's favourites