Filip and the gate

Three year old Filip is exploring in the nursery garden. He likes to circuit different areas in the outdoor space and today is repeating the action of going on the slide, through the gate and up the slope. He has a severe form of epilepsy and currently needs a lot of adult support. Find out more about Filip

Good for looking at

  • SEND
  • COEL - playing and exploring, active learning
  • Schemas - circuiting
  • Physical development
  • Levels of engagement
  • Effective adult support
  • Understanding the world - technology

Three year old Filip is exploring in the nursery garden. He likes to circuit different areas in the outdoor space and today is repeating the action of going on the slide, through the gate and up the slope. He has a sever form of epilepsy and currently needs a lot of adult support.


  • What cues can you see that show what Filip is interested in? (Look out for non-verbal and body language as well as spoken language)
  • How Filip is learning? Which areas of development, engagement and characteristics of learning can you observe?
  • In what ways do the adults support Filip’s learning?
  • How does the environment support the Filip’s learning?


What are your thoughts about:

  • The value of this type of play for Filip?
  • Filip’s need to repeat this activity again and again?
  • The level of independence Filip is allowed?
  • The role of the adult in this interaction – how did she support Filip?


What would you do to:

  • Support Filip’s development of his gross and fine physical skills?
  • Extend Filip’s learning – Use Filip’s high levels of involvement with this self chosen activity to inform your planning? What kind of activities do you think would catch his interest?

What next:

  • Do you need to encourage more of this kind of physical play for all of the children in your setting? Do you need to make changes to make spaces accessible to all?
  • Do you know enough about the value of schemas and children’s repetitive actions? Find out more about schemas here