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Writing a card

Observe how a practitioner engages and extends two 4 year olds interest in a creative activity outdoors. As one child shows an interest in creating a card, another makes links to some cards he has seen indoors. Observe how the practitioner encourages socialisation between the two whilst extending the learning opportunity to practice reading and writing skills.

Good for looking at:

  • emerging literacy skills
  • effective adult support
  • creating and thinking critically
  • speech, language and communicating
  • social and emotional development


  • What cues can you see that show what the children are interested in? (Look out for non-verbal and body language as well as spoken language)
  • How are the children learning?
  • Which areas of play, development, engagement and characteristics of learning can you observe?
  • In what ways does the adult support the children’s learning?
  • How does the environment and the materials provided support the children’s learning?