Developing self-regulation helps children in really important and far reaching ways. Research shows that self-regulated children become much more successful in later life – both emotionally and as independent learners. So it’s important to really understand what it’s all about in order to help children in the most effective ways.
This ten minute introductory film gives a clear explanation of what self-regulation is. To help you understand how self-regulation develops it explains how four basic psychological principles are the bedrock of self-regulation, allowing it to thrive.
David Whitebread, one of the principal researchers into self-regulation in young children, talks about these important prerequisites and how they can be provided. David’s insights are beautifully illustrated with real life examples.
This film is based on an interview with David Whitebread, Principal research Assosciate of the University of Cambridge in the Faculty of Education. His on going research concentrates on the fundamental importance of young children developing as independent, self-regulating learners. His applied psychological research is aimed at helping practitioners who work with our young children to delve deeply into how children develop and learn. See how his insight and knowledge can be translated into the basis for excellent early years practice.