The Power of Physical Play examines how this type of play supports physical development from birth to seven-years-old. It also shows how physical play has such an important role in a child’s ability to become an independent learner. As we follow children during their day to day business within several settings, you will gain an in depth understanding of precisely what they are learning and how this supports their physical development and ability to become self regulating.
Together with looking at the holistic development and learning taking place during physical play, there is a comprehensive section about adult support. In this section, you will see how, as a practitioner, you can best apply this knowledge to your everyday practice. Clear examples of ‘modelling’, ‘scaffolding’, ‘specific praise’ (and more), will allow you to confidently improve key relationships and effectively support independent learning and self regulation. Aspects of risk are also included.
Made in collaboration with David Whitebread of Cambridge University, we present all current research and theories on physical play in a straightforward way. The accompanying user guide booklet (written by Whitebread, ) will help you to plan your training session. The supporting information covers all subjects in the film with each section including questions that will inspire reflective practice and topics for discussions. There are also ideas for further reading and study.