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Introduction to the key person course

Welcome to the key person course. To get started watch the first video above which is an introduction to your online trainer Kate, who will guide you through this course. The format of each session starts with an introduction and a brief overview of the subject that will be covered. There is usually a quotation to consider from one of the suggested texts. Each course session starts with a short introductory video of a brief overview of the subject that will be covered. This leads onto a selection of observation video clips. Each one has the following information to help guide you through the course.

Each observation clip includes:

  • Before watching, Observation tasks - These are instructions and suggestions to guide the viewing of the observation video clips, trainers should also feel free to go ‘off task’ and initiate or follow up discussion as appropriate.
  • After watching, Reflection and planning - Here you will find reflection activities which includes a list of questions to provoke reflection and debate. Trainers should choose the questions most useful to their group/setting and expand and develop as appropriate. Each session ends with encouragement for the participants to make an action plan to take place as a result of the debate/reflections. This could be for groups/settings as well as individuals.
  • Further info & downloads - This is where you can find task sheets that you can download and print for each of the course sessions.
The observation tasks for each session are the same for all of the observation clips with in that session. You can read the observation task once and then watch all of the clips. The reflection and planning also relates to all of the clips in that particular session.

What do I need to get started?

  • A broadband internet connection
  • A screen or projector big enough for your group to view easily
  • A print out of the facilitators notes for your chosen session
  • Printed task sheets for each of the participants to make note taking and jotting down observations easy (if this is not possible plain paper will do)
  • Pens or pencils