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Lego tower – ELGs

Two children are playing with large lego blocks. They're working out how many bricks they have in their tower.

Good for looking at:

  • Counting
  • Communication
  • Socialising
  • Fine motor development

This clip is good for demonstrating that mathematical and counting skills are not just used in prescribed lessons worksheets or books.


  • how the child who is counting knew that there were already 12 in the tower, so one more would be 13.  It is a demonstration of understanding of how counting works.


Refer back to the ELGs for Mathematics

  • The skills demonstrated here show a child who is confident to experiment with his knowledge of numbers using what he knows securely to build upon. He is just within ‘Expected’ for the Numbers ELG. What else might you need to find out?
  • Consider what you would do and provide to make a decision about the Numerical Patterns ELG
  • Which other Early Learning Goals are being demonstrated here?