Life at Two – Introducing Ava and her family
Good for looking at
- Parents
- Family
- Multiple attachments
- Getting dressed
- Moving and handling
- Self-esteem
Contents of clip
- Ava's family and multiple attachments
- Peter Elfer - getting used to other's responses
- Relationship with mum
- Getting dressed and self-esteem
What did you notice?
- Who is Ava attached to in her family?
- What can you say about Ava’s relationship with her mum?
- Why do close attachments help Ava in her dealings with others?
- What does mum do to encourage Ava to dress herself?
- Why is it important for Ava to begin to learn to dress herself?
- In what ways does Ava’s mum help her development?
Here we meet Ava and her family. She lives with her mum, grandma and uncle. She is closest to her mum and they have a good attachment relationship. She is attached to the other members of the family but mum is her first choice if she is available. Mum is her ‘secure base’ 1. By secure base, we mean that her relationship with mum makes Ava feel safe and confident to leave mum’s side and begin to explore – you can see how out of attachment and dependence comes the beginnings of independence. Now she is two Ava is learning how to do many more things for herself. With help from mum she is often practicing new skills. Mum is patient, giving plenty of time and praise. By encouraging and allowing Ava to learn how to look after herself mum is helping Ava to build her confidence and self-esteem.
1 Bowlby, J. A Secure Base. Clinical Applications of Attachment Theory. Travistock/Routledge. 1993