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Skye – collecting & transporting

Two year old Skye loves spending time in the nursery garden collecting, gathering and transporting different objects around the space.

Good for looking at

  • Collecting and transporting schema
  • Understanding children's behaviour
  • Private speech
  • Object play

Two year old Skye loves spending time in the nursery garden collecting, gathering and transporting different objects around the space.


  • How do we know what Skye is interested in?  Be specific, look out for body language, actions, gestures.
  • How is Skye learning? Which areas of development, engagement and characteristics of learning can you observe?
  • What effect the environment and materials have on Skye’s play?


What did you recognise about:

  • How Skye is learning? Did you see any evidence of the characteristics of effective learning?
  • The areas of learning and development that were covered through her play activity?
  • Skye’s schematic behaviour?
  • The importance of the environment and the materials?


What would you do next?

  • Using your knowledge of Skye’s interests how could you extend her learning?
  • How might you talk to Skye’s parents/carers about her interests?
  • Did watching the clip help you notice any particular strengths or weaknesses that you might have when trying to understand children’s specific interests?
  • Could you suggest a way of encouraging the support of children’s particular schematic behaviours in your own setting?