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Writing examples – ELGs
6 examples of pieces of writing from the first half of the summer term. Either play through the video (chapter markers will take you to each one quickly) to see each example or see the examples in the images below. Note that it is not a requirement to use full stops, capital letters, finger spaces, or write a certain number of sentences.Example 1
- the use of phonics
- how easy it is to read
Example 2

- the developing phonic use
- the digraphs (Some reading schemes define the word ‘digraph’ differently excluding some which have now become perceived as the ‘easy’ ones that will not count towards the ELG. This is not accurate. It is important to refer to statutory source material)
Example 3
- how a piece of independent writing is done from an adult led session
- the phonetically plausible attempts at words
Example 4
- the same theme as above. Also independent.
- the depth and breadth of all ELGs.
- that the two pieces (example 3) are different, but both are within the ELG
Example 5
- This example is in a different format. Writing does not have to be on paper or in a book. Children often prefer to write in a more transient way as it is not a permanent record. If it is a real achievement it can be photographed for the child to share
Example 6
- Again this is a readable piece with some understanding of phonics. The child has potential to be within the Writing ELG. What else would you need to know?