Videos for early education courses
Versatile visual learning suitable from level 3 to MA
Get startedOver 500 academic institutions, nationally and internationally already use our material. Regular feedback indicates that this is a highly effective way for students to learn about child development and for developing the skills and knowledge needed to work with young children.

Visit Siren's Online Video Clip Library
With 100s of short video clips to search through there's always going to be something that fits your needs. You can search by area of child development, specific theories, areas of play, learning strategies, age or setting and find just what you need to enhance your lessons and make learning stick. There are lots of options and different ways of accessing these clips for your institution. See below for more details about types of access.
8 good reasons why the clip library will support the delivery of your course
The Early Years Clip Library has been created from Siren’s tried and tested back catalogue and also includes hundreds of new clips films filmed in early years settings around the country. So here are 8 good reasons why the clip library will be useful to you and support the delivery of your course…
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"An invaluable support to lectures, seminars and observation workshops. The videos provide an excellent range of real life examples of children's development, play and learning which can be used to encourage students' understanding and application of theoretical perspectives. They have been used to support teaching at all levels on our Childhood and Early Years Studies degree programme. Students have found them particularly useful as a resource to practice their observational skills and techniques."
Lindy Cookson, University of Sunderland, Course leadPractice makes perfect
To really understand how children learn and develop you need to see this happening, which can be a challenge within the confines of a classroom.
All of our videos explore how children learn and develop, by capturing everyday events from the perspective of the child.
They skilfully illustrate what complex theories actually look like in everyday practice.
Understanding observation
With these videos your students can hone their skills of observation, watching and re-watching if necessary.
They can observe children in everyday scenarios, mastering and carrying out observational studies within the classroom.
The fascinating longitudinal studies are great for seeing how particular children change, develop and learn.
Students can also learn, discuss and reflect on many aspects of early childhood development and effective pedagogy.
You and your team can access and use the early years video clips with your students in a number of ways.
Access for staff teams
You can have an individual or team account for any of your staff or tutors. Account holders can use the footage during lectures and seminars through the Siren Films Early Years Clip Library website. You can use the site to search for video clips that compliment your seminar. Each user can build their own playlists and save videos for ease of use. These playlists can be shared among users within your team.
Visit packages pricing page
Access for students
You can allow students to access the materials in a number of ways:
1. Learners accounts
You can give access to students via a learners account. Students with an account will have access to all of the Early Years Clip Library materials via the Siren Films website. You can share playlists you have created with students. Students can use the clip library for their own educational purposes including presentations.
2. Embedding into your LMS
You can embed any of the clips in the Early Years Clip Library into your virtual learning systems or internal intranets. For ease of use staff can use the Siren Films Early Years Clip Library website to search and select relevant clips.
3. Open access Library account
You can allow students enrolled at your institution to access the Early Years Clip Library materials with an open access password which can be managed and handed out via your Library staff.
4. IP address
We can offer access via IP address and ezProxy which means full and simple access fro staff and students with no need for additional passwords.
5. Coming soon… Single Sign On
We are currently in the process of setting up integration with SSO via the UK federation, Shibboleth and Open Athens. The site will be updated as soon as this is available.
The learners licence options will cover a specific number of students to able to access the materials within one academic year. It will allows students to access the materials in the Early Years Clip Library via all of the three options. You can choose which delivery option suits you best or choose a mix.
For package prices click the link below. For full institutional access or bespoke prices please get in touch at
Visit the packages pricing page
Siren’s video content is also available through:
Sage Knowledge, Kanopy, Alexander Street & Films Media Group