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The truck and the ramp

One year old boy pushes his truck up and down the ramp testing his physical skills. The practitioner is close by watching what he is doing and communicating with him.

Good for looking at:

  • Physical development
  • Physical play
  • Gross motor development
  • Solitary play
  • Effective adult support


  • The physical development of a one year old while playing at a self chosen activity.
  • How the adult supports the child during this play activity.
  • How the resources provided support physical development at this stage?


  • What kind of physical skills was the child practicing?
  • How does he challenge himself?
  • How did the practitioner support him?


How do you know how much freedom to allow a child when they are developing their physical skillls? How do you keep a balance between keeping them safe and letting them take the risks needed to develop their skills?